Foothills Regional Airport - KMRN
Conveniently located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina …
with quick driving access to Boone, Blowing Rock, Banner Elk, Morganton, Lenoir and Hickory, the Foothills Regional Airport (KMRN) is a full-service FBO dedicated to the needs of general aviation pilots, aircraft owners and travelers.
Foothills Regional Airport is located on Hwy 18, just 8 miles north of Morganton, NC, 9 miles south of Lenoir, NC and less than an hour's drive from Blowing Rock, Banner Elk and Boone. A map and directions can be found on this link to our Contact page.
Foothills Airport's fuel prices are among the most competitive in the area.
At an elevation of 1270 feet, the airport offers a 5500' x 75' paved and lighted runway, MIRL for runway 3-21, REIL for runways 3 and 21, and three IFR approaches - LOC RWY 3, RNAV (GPS) RWY 3, RNAV (GPS) RWY 21. Downloadable approach plates can be found with this link to FlightAware's resources page.
A comfortable, furnished FBO offers pilot supplies, refreshments, a pilot's lounge with cable television and Internet, flight planning stations and a conference room. It is managed by Airport Administrator Brent Brinkley.